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Indicator lever sound on each steering revolution

Indicator lever sound on each steering revolution


I have a problem in my cuore , that is the indicator lever produces a "Tick" sound with each revolution of steering while turning right or left and lever jerking a bit. This sound is in addition to the normal blinking sound of the indicator. I got it repaired the other day and the mechanic applied some grease over the noisy parts but it has come back again. Please suggest a solution. User 6866 asked on 16 Aug 2010 12:43:45 pm
1 Answer
Rehan - on 16 Aug 2010 12:44:12 pm
This type of noise is standard on all low quality indicator lever assemblies, the release mechanism on steering wheel assembly and on the indicator assembly itself continuously comes in contact with each other (which should only do so when u turn on an indicator an complete a turn into that direction). I believe the only solution to that problem is keeping the mechanism lubricated...

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