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want to buy a used car in 500k?

Want to buy a used car in 500k?

hello there I have 500 k in my hand and I want to buy a used car, need a sincere advice? cherry QQ is one option but with engine swapped with other models engines.
Hassan Ali Khan asked on 19 Jul 2022 12:02:54 pm
1 Answer
Syed Muzammil - on 19 Jul 2022 12:03:35 pm
500k may get you Alto 2003-05, Cuore 2002-04 o r Cultus 2002-04, if you are looking for a small hatchback. For a sedan, Margalla 1994-96, o r Civic EX/EXi 1992-95.

My vote is for Cultus & Margalla

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