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Daihatsu Cuore Radiator Slow Water Loss and Residual Substances

Daihatsu Cuore Radiator Slow Water Loss and Residual Substances

Hello everyone, I own a Cuore and recently mixed a radiator liquid whose name I cant recall into my vehicle. I have two questions:

The radiator is slowly losing water, even when the car is not in use.
When I added AC water to top it off, I noticed orange, bubbly substances floating on the surface. I believe these may be residuals of the radiator coolant.

Note: I used a brownish radiator coolant mixed with AC condenser water.

I would appreciate any insights on these issues. Thank you
Sajid Khan asked on 03 Feb 2023 14:39:20 pm
1 Answer
Sumaiya Akbar - on 04 Feb 2023 14:13:01 pm
To fix the water reduction issue, we need to find any pipes that are seeping o r leaking and replace them.

It looks like theres a lot of rust in the radiator and cooling system, which is causing the problem. To make sure everything is working properly, we should give the radiator and cooling system a good clean and flush, then fill it up with fresh coolant

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