Door Locks don’t respond to key fob o r manual controls?
Door Locks don’t respond to key fob o r manual controls?
I Have honda civic 2011 and its Locks don’t respond to key fob o r manual controls. Need help.
2 Answers
I Have honda civic 2011 and its Locks don’t respond to key fob o r manual controls. Need help.
Ayesha Aziz asked on 21 Jan 2025 17:28:12 pm

If your Honda Civics locks arent responding to the key fob o r manual controls, it could be a dead key fob battery o r an issue with the power door lock system. Start by replacing the key fob battery and see if that helps. If not, check the fuses and wiring for the door locks. If the problem persists, it might be a faulty door lock actuator, and a mechanic can take a look at it.
If your Honda Civics locks arent responding to the key fob o r manual controls, it could be a dead key fob battery o r an issue with the power door lock system. Start by replacing the key fob battery and see if that helps. If not, check the fuses and wiring for the door locks. If the problem persists, it might be a faulty door lock actuator, and a mechanic can take a look at it.

If your Honda Civic’s locks arent responding, definitely start with the simple fix of replacing the key fob battery first. If that doesn’t work, checking the fuses and wiring is a smart next step.