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Fuel consumption of Honda Br V S 2018

Fuel consumption of Honda Br V S 2018

m looking for seven seaters and considering Honda Br V Ivtec-S as a viable option. Can you people share your experience regarding the fuel consumption of this vehicle without city as well as on highway.
Hassan Ali Khan asked on 21 Jul 2022 12:33:07 pm
1 Answer
Syed Muzammil - on 21 Jul 2022 12:33:58 pm
I have 21 model.
The average is based on your driving style.
I was able to get 16+km/ltr on motorway and in city wasn't able to pass 11.5 km/ltr.
So far finding it a good option for a big family.
Having my eyes on Oshan X7 but I'll wait for a year before go in Changan direction o r might just stick to the BR-V.

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