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Suzuki Alto Vxr RPM Control

Suzuki Alto Vxr RPM Control

Hey buddy, can you help me out? Ive noticed something weird with my Alto. When I switch on the AC, the RPM goes down a bit. When its just idling, the RPM seems higher, around 900, but when the AC kicks in, it s to 700. Do you know how I can fix this? Also, whats the ideal RPM supposed to be when the AC is on and when its idling?
Hamza Sultan asked on 02 Jun 2024 18:33:10 pm
1 Answer
Ahsan - on 02 Jun 2024 18:34:44 pm
At rest, it should be running around 1100 RPM, and when the AC kicks in, it should to about 900 RPM.

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