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Toyota Belta transmission overheated

Toyota Belta transmission overheated

Belta was having trouble going uphill because the transmission overheated and started acting up. The mechanic checked it out and found that the gear oil was dirty because the filter was blocked. When he opened up the chamber, he discovered some small half-inch wires inside. After cleaning everything out and replacing the oil, the car started working fine again. I drove it uphill in S mode, and its running smoothly now. Im just curious about what caused the wires to end up in the chamber.
Rajab Butt asked on 02 Sep 2024 10:52:19 am
1 Answer
Ahsan - on 02 Sep 2024 10:55:07 am
old oil and too much stress can make your transmission overheat. To prevent this, take a 30-minute break if youre driving uphill for a while. Also, when servicing your engine, make sure to clean out the engine block and transmission well to help manage heat better.

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