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What to Do If You Accidentally Add T-4 Gear Oil to a WS Gear Oil Car?

What to Do If You Accidentally Add T-4 Gear Oil to a WS Gear Oil Car?

Hello everyone,

I own a 2017 Altis 1.6 model and suspect that my mechanic accidentally added T-4 Gear oil instead of WS Gear oil to my car. As a result, I am experiencing some problems with gear shifting, including jerking and high RPM while in fourth gear. Another mechanic checked it and initially believed it to be a gear valve body issue. However, after replacing it, the issue remains although it has reduced somewhat.
Sajid Khan asked on 30 Mar 2023 15:19:56 pm
1 Answer
Sumaiya Akbar - on 05 Apr 2023 15:17:54 pm
Its possible to use either WS o r Type IV oil for your engine, but there are some things to consider. First, WS oil is thinner than Type IV oil, which is thicker. Second, the 1.6 engine in your vehicle is designed for high performance, whereas the 1.3 GLi auto is not.

If the manufacturer didnt have any concerns about using either oil, they would likely provide the option to use both. However, they recommend using one over the other for your engine. This means that if you want to ensure your engine performs at its best, its probably best to follow their recommendation and use the oil they suggest.

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