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A/C Wiring for 1nz engine swap in Charade G100

A/C Wiring for 1nz engine swap in Charade G100

Hello everyone,

I recently swapped a 1nz engine into my Charade G100, and I have installed the complete harness, ECU, and compressor. However, the A/C system is not fully functional, and it only has a compressor connected.

I consulted a technician to repair the A/C system, but it is a manual system without an A/C amplifier module to connect to the ECU.

I am wondering if there is a way to wire the A/C system so that the ECU can detect whenever the A/C is turned on. This is important for idle adjustment purposes.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
Sajid Khan asked on 30 Mar 2023 15:27:07 pm
1 Answer
Sumaiya Akbar - on 05 Apr 2023 15:21:27 pm
To connect the AC1 pin with the AC switch, simply attach the wire from AC1 to the switch. This will ground AC1 whenever the AC is turned on, so theres no need for any additional wiring.

Additionally, its a good idea to check the voltages on the ACT pin. To do this, use the negative probe of your multimeter to touch the ACT pin, and the positive probe to touch the +12v pin. Make sure that AC1 is connected to ground when doing this test.

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