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New Suzuki Swift vs Used Civic

New Suzuki Swift vs Used Civic

Hey everyone!

I need your advice. I’m a student and I’m trying to decide between getting a brand new Swift GL CVT, which costs around 45.7 lac, o r going for a used Civic in the 48-50 lac range.

Which option do you think is smarter? If you recommend the Civic, which model should I look for, and what’s the best way to find a reliable used car that I can use for at least three years without issues? Thanks!
Moazzam asked on 30 Sep 2024 15:36:51 pm
1 Answer
Ahmed - on 30 Sep 2024 15:41:28 pm
the Swift is a smarter choice. It gets much better fuel mileage than the Civic and is easier to park in tight spots.

You might also want to check out the Honda City it feels like a good mix of both options! 😊

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