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Suzuki Wagon R Stringray Missing Issue

Suzuki Wagon R Stringray Missing Issue

I own a 2017 model Wagon R Stingray. Lately, Ive been experiencing some issues with it. When I accelerate, it tends to jerk o r feel like its missing a beat, but when I maintain a constant speed, it seems to be okay.

On occasion, when the car is idling, the RPM revolutions per minute s below 1000, and the engine actually shuts off.

Moreover, there are times when all the dashboard lights come on, including traction control, lane assist, and the engine check light, but the engine continues to run without any apparent problems.

Ive tried scanning for issues, but nothing shows up. I suspect the issue might be related to the clip that connects to the computer in the top right corner of the engine compartment. Can anyone suggest what else might be causing these problems?
Hamza Sultan asked on 16 Sep 2023 18:14:56 pm
1 Answer
Waqas Rajput - on 16 Sep 2023 18:15:56 pm
You might want to consider taking a look at the oxygen sensor.

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