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Suzuki Pakistan Stops Mehran VX

11 Jul 2018   1194
Suzuki Pakistan Stops Mehran VX

Suzuki Pakistan Stops Mehran VX

It is said that Pak Suzuki will discontinue manufacturing f the iconic all time top seller hatchback, Mehran in Pakistan. This time the car is survived and the company has announced that it will halt the production of one of the variants of Mehran, the Mehran VX from November this year. The company has issued the necessary instructions to carry out remaining production plan of 6734 units, which will be produced from June 2018 t end November 2018. To avoid the surplus stock at the vendor’s end after discontinuation of the model and all valued vendors are advised to complete the last order according to the available stock at the premises of the vendor.

Suzuki Pakistan Stops Mehran VX

Pakistan Suzuki is going to end a variant not the car itself and VXR is to remain in production till the further notice.

Suzuki Pakistan Stops Mehran VX

Suzuki Pakistan Stops Mehran VX

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