Volkswagen Unveils Innovative Exit Warning System
08 Dec 2023
Volkswagen Unveils Innovative Exit Warning System
In a recent announcement, Volkswagen introduced a new safety feature called the exit warning system, set to be standard in the ID.7, the new Passat, and the new Tiguan. However, concerns have been raised regarding its implementation, varying across different models.
The Volkswagen ID.7, equipped with radar sensors on its rear bumper, issues warnings to passengers as road users approach. An LED light on the exterior side mirror flashes, signaling passengers not to open the doors. Should a passenger attempt to open the door, a temporary timeout feature prevents it from opening. A warning sound also activates if a door is opened while a road user is passing by. While touted as a safety enhancement, questions linger about the potential for unintended consequences and driver distraction.
The Passat and Tiguan employ a similar system, but with mechanical door handles, the opening delay feature is absent. This discrepancy raises concerns about the uniformity of safety measures across Volkswagen's lineup, potentially leaving certain models at a disadvantage in terms of passenger safety.
The ID.4 and ID.5 offer the exit warning system as an optional feature. These models only flash the LED light on the side mirrors in immediate danger situations, lacking the comprehensive approach seen in the ID.7. This discrepancy suggests that safety features are not standardized across Volkswagen's lineup, leaving consumers with varying levels of protection depending on the model they choose.
As Volkswagen introduces this new safety measure, critics argue that the inconsistent implementation raises questions about the overall effectiveness and reliability of the exit warning system, urging the company to address these concerns for the sake of passenger safety.
Volkswagen Exit Warning System
Exit Warning System
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