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Pak Suzuki Price Increases of Bike by PKR 8000

21 Jun 2019   562
Pak Suzuki Price Increases of Bike by PKR 8000

Pak Suzuki Price Increases of Bike by PKR 8000

There is another wave of price increase by the local car and bike manufacturers and Pak Suzuki has increased the rates of the bikes by up to PKR 8000. Pak Suzuki Price Increases of Bike by PKR 8000 .

The company has increased the prices of the products from 15 June 2019 and it has issued the circular to the dealers across Pakistan and this circular is added that the prices of the products are subject to change without giving any notice and price at the time of delivery, will be applied.
Pak Suzuki Price Increases of Bike by PKR 8000

Pak Suzuki has increased the prices of the bikes like GS150 SE, GS 150, GR 150 by PKR 5000 and the price of the bike GD110S by PKR 8000.
Pak Suzuki Price Increases of Bike by PKR 8000

Al-Haj FAW has already increased the prices of the cars and it is expected that in the coming time, the car manufacturing companies of Japan will also increase the rates of their vehicles.

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